2008年6月25日 星期三

休閒漁業規劃實務 美國休閒漁業


由於底拖網漁業(bottom trawling)是一種對海底傷害極大的破壞性捕撈方式,美國明令在其西部海域,從加拿大到墨西哥的領海,全面禁止這種捕撈作業。
NOAA漁業署西北區辦公室主任隆恩(Bob Lohn)表示,「這是我們首次採取大規模行動保護近海棲息地。長久以來,我們期待的不只是健康的海洋,也希望漁場變得更好」。
U.S. West Coast Waters Closed to Bottom Trawling
SEATTLE, Washington, March 10, 2006 (ENS)
The destructive fishing practice of bottom trawling has been banned in federal waters off the U.S. west coast from Canada to Mexico.
On Wednesday, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration approved a plan developed by the Pacific Fishery Management Council to establish and protect more than 150,000 square miles of marine waters off the West Coast as Essential Fish Habitat. The plan, which covers waters to a depth of 3,500 meters, is aimed at replenishing depleted fish populations.
Bottom trawling is the fishing practice of dragging large nets weighted with chains or other heavy gear across the seafloor to catch groundfish species such as rockfish, cod, and sole. Bottom trawls have been used throughout the North Pacific region, and are still permitted in the central and western Gulf of Alaska, Aleutian Islands and Bering Sea.
"This is the first time we have taken such an extensive approach to protecting offshore habitat," said Bob Lohn, head of NOAA Fisheries Service's Northwest Region in Seattle. "Over the long run, we expect that not only will we have a healthier ocean but that the fishing will get better as well."
NOAA said that its own economic analysis of the closures, based on historic data on landings, shows that less than 10 percent of revenue from commercial fishing comes from areas that will be closed. That loss is expected to be made up as fishermen move their operations to areas that remain open, NOAA said.
Although the NOAA Fisheries Service does not have regulatory authority over non-fishing activities that may damage habitat, the plan includes designating various habitats such as kelp, sea grass and estuaries as "habitat areas of particular concern."

